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You are in the right place at the right moment

ready to learn, grow and sometimes make mistakes and that's ok.

My story


When I became a mother I still didn't have the experience to use my time efficiently. I felt overwhelmed, I felt like time wasn't enough to get all my responsibilities done.


... Have you been there? Sometimes you wish that your day had more than 24 hours to have enough time to get all your tasks done, but we are not machines made with never ending energy, and (whether you like it or not) our time is limited, in our daily life and in our lifespan.


That is why, after investing a couple years in getting knowledgeable in productivity, personal growth and time management, and after experimenting with different kinds of organizers, I decided to create my own prototypes.


Do not take me very serious I am not a productivity guru, I am an average person with dreams and plans to be a better person everyday, but like any average people, I had failed when setting my new year resolutions, I had procrastinated that trip to the gym everyday, and my yoga mat is still gathering dust in the bottom of my closet. At the end of the day moms are human beings! and we don't have to be perfect! we don't have an infinite resource of energy or motivation, and we fail and that is normal!.


I am here to let you know that is fine to start over, and it's never too late to get whatever you want accomplish in your life, and it is fine to do it at your own pace, you can get it too! I am here to support you. Today I want to share with you my creations: digital planners, calendars and more. I want to help you to make an efficient use of your time (your most valuable resource), when you have organized your daily tasks, you can accomplish all your goals, so you will have spare time to invest in yourself, that way you can live your dream life. You can accomplish everything you dream of, if you define your goals and if you have established habits and discipline, if you don't know where to start, don' t worry, in my social media you will find valuable information to support you in your personal growth, and besides here in my web you will find different kinds of digital and printable products for all your organization needs.


Lets continue growing together.


Here to help you.


Nani Espinosa.

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